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【nice cx one logo png】PE's lack of liquidity comes into focus as public, private markets converge


简介US PE middle-market multiples barely budged in 2018. We didn't expect them to, and we don't expect t ...

US PE middle-market multiples barely budged in 2018. We didn't expect them to,nice cx one logo png and we don't expect them to come down much in the near-term either, barring some significant macro development. Last year marked the sixth consecutive year with double-digit purchase price multiples, clocking in at around 11.6x, versus nearly 12.0x in 2017, per our

2018 Annual US PE Middle Market Report

【nice cx one logo png】PE's lack of liquidity comes into focus as public, private markets converge

. A decline, but not much of one.

【nice cx one logo png】PE's lack of liquidity comes into focus as public, private markets converge

PE valuations and dry powder levels are the two most discussed aspects of the industry today, and they are not unrelated. They symbiotically feed off each other, driving investors to pay higher markups for deals and raise more capital to prepare themselves for more of the same going forward.

【nice cx one logo png】PE's lack of liquidity comes into focus as public, private markets converge

But PE valuations don't operate in a vacuum, and the LPs who ultimately finance them are free to look elsewhere to park their money. They don't particularly want to—alternatives are a staple in most portfolios and provide much-needed, uncorrelated returns to equities. But in exchange for the liquidity tie-up, PE's selling point is higher returns.

That becomes significant and much harder to achieve when entry prices are higher. If LPs are paying comparable prices for their private and public holdings, PE's lack of liquidity comes more clearly into focus.

An article from The Financial Times

pointed out the problem last year: "Industry observers also said that a narrowing of the gap would lead some to reassess their exposure to private equity."

That's true, though it would be an overstatement to etch it into stone ahead of time.

This column originally appeared in

The Lead Left


Read more about PE valuations in our

2018 Annual US PE Middle Market Report


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